Ramblings of a Yogranny……………Taking Yoga off the mat and into our lives……
So far 2018 has been above all else, interesting . We launched a brand new website for the Yoga Studios here in Ballito, Hoedspruit and in Western Australia. It was definitely time to launch our Brand name and logo as a separate entity from sayogasafaris.com.
From this site we have been able to launch our Teacher training programs, upcoming Workshops and Retreats.In the past few months I have officially become a granny, visited Greece, said farewell to my 13 year old German Shepherd, the host to two ongoing Teacher trainings, accepted the necessity to step into my power as well as my wisdom and acknowledging the differences between the two. I have realised that it is not so much about learning everything there is to know about our subject of interest, it is more about taking the time to REMEMBER everything we have as our innate wisdom.
It is with a heart overflowing with contentment that I return from yet another visit with my family and loved ones. As I prepare to flow into this next phase of my life, I determine to move with intention, mindfulness and acceptance for where I am, physically, mentally and spiritually. To aspire to be gentle and kind to myself as well as those around me. AHIMSA once again the forefront of everything I do. Microcosm and macrocosm connection, as within so without. I believe wholeheartedly that by finding my own inner peace and Santosha, it will reflect in the world around me and help to multiply this feeling of love, acceptance and Ahimsa in our world. It is for this reason I sit daily on my mat in meditation. Trying to peel back the obstacles and layers, enabling my inner light to shine as brightly as 1000 Suns. My journey around the Sun and into the Light will be endured by perseverance, faith and trust in the Divine. I am sure to still experience speed wobbles, however I have noticed they are further apart and no longer the rule.
We are introducing meditation into our Saturday morning classes and encourage as many of you to give it a try. See for yourselves how it can help with stress management and basic tools for an easier life. Saturday mornings @7.30 -9.00am
Click on the link below to take you to a 15-minute basic warm-up routine to get your day going. https://www.facebook.com/devahitiyoga/videos/2044709149110188/
We will continue to post more videos to help you stay mobile, strong, and balanced.
Upcoming Training Courses and workshops http://devahiti.com/index.php/upcoming-events
Quote of inspiration :
Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart.
Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakens “Unknown”
Tread mindfully, think of what you want to leave behind…..
Love, light and strength….